The Siberian tiger is one of Earth's rarest and most elusive animals, with as few as 350 remaining between Russia and China. The Wildlife Conservation Society has been committed to save Snow Tigers since 1992 with tailored activities aimed at restoring its habitat and prey.
In this BBC documentary, Liz Bonnin travels to the frozen forests of the Russian Far East to report on the work of a team of WCS scientists studying these big cats. This video unveils the hidden world of this mysterious predator, determines why they are declining, and what can be done to save them.
When three orphaned cubs are discovered, the team launched a desperate rescue mission. Cameraman Max Hug Williams joins rangers in the race against time to find the cubs as a blizzard approaches - capturing remarkable footage in the process.
Read more on Snow Tiger conservation programs in China and in Russia.
Read more about the backstage of this documentary: